An association document Da: Foreningsdokument Changelog ========= Version 4.0 ----------- A document represents data about the document. It does not contain the actual binary data, this is done in the File object.
Type: string
Internal Id of the document type.
The name of the types might change over time, but this ID will be constant.
Type: string
The documenttype as a string
Type: boolean
If this is a draft, this is set to TRUE.
Type: string
Type: boolean
If this is set, then the document is deleted and can no logner be retrieved, and should also be
deleted in the comsuming end of the webservice.
Type: string
If this documents is a meeting minute, this field will contain the date of the meeting
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Type: boolean
Indicates whether this document is signed or not. Will be TRUE or FALSE.
If not set (NULL), then the status is unknown or not relevant
Type: string
If signed, this will will contain the date it was signed.
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Type: string
Filename of the actual file
Type: string
The filename the file had originally when sent to domuspro. This filename might contain invalid characters,
or have cryptic names.
Type: string
Filetoken used for later fileretrieval
The token is used in the fetchFile method of the documentService to fetch the actual binary data. The token is
valid for one hour.
It is valid only for one retrieval of the document and is then invalidated
Type: string
Da: Udvidet beskrivelse såfremt dokumenttypen er "Andet"
Type: string
Da: Første dato i regnskabsåret for budgettet, bruges ifm. dokumenttypen "Budget, separat"
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Type: string
Da: Feltet angiver en vigtig dato ifm. dokumenter af typen "Andet"
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Type: boolean
Da: Indtrædelsesret, benyttes kun ifm. dokumenter af typen "Vedtægter"
Type: boolean
Da: Lånebegrænsning, benyttes kun ifm. dokumenter af typen "Vedtægter"
Type: boolean
Da: Er stiftelse
HVis dette dokument er et regnskab, angiver dette felt om foreningen i dette regnskab er under stiftelse.
Kan antage sand, fald eller null
For dokumenter der ikke er regnskaber, vil værdien være null, ligeseom den vil være det på ældre regnskaber.
Type: boolean
Determine if this files is allowed to be published openly.
Da: Angiver om oplysninger fra denne fil må bruges på offentlige portaler.
Kan antage sand eller fals, og er altid sat.